Course curriculum

  • 1

    All about Botulinum Toxin

    • Botulinum Toxin background, action and toxin products

    • Botulinum Toxin background, action and toxin products Quiz

    • Guidance on prescribing medicine

    • Licensing and prescribing

    • Licensing and prescribing Quiz

  • 2

    Botulinum Toxin Preparation

    • Working out units and preparing your toxin

    • Working out units and preparing your toxin Quiz

    • How to set up your workspace

  • 3

    Botulinum Toxin Anatomical Considerations

    • Upper face muscles and their action: frontalis, glabella periorbital and nasalis

    • Upper face muscles and their action Quiz

  • 4

    Botulinum Toxin Patient Selection

    • Indications / contraindications

    • Indications / contraindications Quiz

    • Local factors and area-specific assessments for toxin treatments

    • Local factors and area-specific treatment Quiz

    • Risks and benefits of toxin treatment

    • Risks and benefits of toxin treatment Quiz

  • 5

    Botulinum Toxin Treatment

    • Upper face treatment areas and aims

    • Introduction to treatment techniques for upper face

    • Glabellar complex

    • Frontalis / Forehead lines

    • Periorbital

    • Nasalis

    • Brow lift

    • Three Areas

    • Upper Face treatment techniques Quiz

    • Botulinum Toxin for the Upper Face - treatment diagram

    • Botulin

  • 6

    Botulinum Toxin Post-Operative Procedures

    • Patient aftercare and review appointments

    • Patient aftercare and review appointments Quiz

  • 7

    Treatment Demonstrations

    • Toxin Treatment of The Upper Face In a Male Patient: Glabella

    • Toxin Treatment of The Upper Face In a Male Patient: Frontalis

    • Toxin Treatment of The Upper Face In a Male Patient: Periorbital

    • Toxin Treatment to Achieve a Brow Lift In a Female Patient: Glabella

    • Toxin Treatment to Achieve a Brow Lift In a Female Patient: Periorbital

    • Upper Face Toxin Treatment (4 areas) In a Female Patient: Glabella

    • Upper Face Toxin Treatment (4 areas) In a Female Patient: Frontalis

    • Upper Face Toxin Treatment (4 areas) In a Female Patient: Periorbital

    • Upper Face Toxin Treatment (4 areas) In a Female Patient: Nasalis

  • 8

    Foundation: Botulinum Toxin Feedback

    • Foundation: Botulinum Toxin Feedback